Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Awesome Awesome AWESOME School Visit Article


Author visits can be tricky to organize - but this fabulous article provides step by step instructions for schools' to follow. And it's pretty helpful for us authors too! Thank you Donna (https://www.donnajanellbowman.com/) for putting this together.


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Nonfiction Awesomeness

Several of my books fall under the category of nonfiction, which is just SO me! I used to be a Research Attorney, and still love deep-diving into new and exciting topics. For a wonderful article on how to format your NF work, check out this article: 


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Happy Book Birthday to MEEEEEEEEE!!!


Is it tacky to celebrate my own (book) birthday so loudly and and proudly? Don't care. I am SO excited for Rex and Sam's latest adventure. Thank you to Sounds True Kids, ALBLA, and a host of critique partners for making this ferocious follow up happen!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

So, How Much Money Do I Make?

This is SUCH a common question - from both kids and adults alike - when I visit schools, libraries and stores. The honest answer is... it depends. My income varies a lot year to year. Have I sold a book recently? Am I doing author events (answer to both BTW is YES!)? Any books going out of print? All of this impacts a writer's income. For a wonderful article on the issue, check out: 
