Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Big News People, BIG.

As reported in Publisher's Marketplace: 

Catherine Bailey's MIND YOUR MONSTERS, in which a boy's quiet life is politely interrupted when monsters come to town, to Zaneta Jung at Sterling Children's, in a nice deal, by Kathleen Rushall at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency (World).

So there it is. I have a deal for my first picture book manuscript. I could not have done it without the help of my ridiculously talented critique partners, supportive family and genius agent. And let’s not forget the super awesome folks at Sterling. Thank you. 

I want to post “how I got published” and “how I got an agent” stories, but I keep slipping into giggle fits. I’m sure that will wear off soon. Tee-hee.

Friday, April 5, 2013

EarlyLight Books

According to their website: "EarlyLight Books publishes children’s and adult books that celebrate the intersection of science and fun. We only do nonfiction, so if you have written a story about talking worms, it won’t work for us no matter how cute or funny it is."

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Red Camel Press

According to their website: "Query with letter. Include word count, a one-sentence description of the book…, and your target audience/age group. If this is your first book, say so. If you have published before, please list the works.”