Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Hustle Bustle Bugs - YAY!!!

Thank you to my wonder agent, Kathleen Rushall, and Disney * Hyperion for making this hustling bustling book happen! And thanks also to my oldest daughter Allison for stockpiling insects in our home, my car, her lunch box... - inspiring for sure.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

RYS Blog Post

Thank you to the folks at Rate Your Story for inviting me to be a guest blogger on their wonderful website. (And for interviewing me for their newsletter!). RYS is a great resource for writers in search of a critique service. You can read the post (which is all about assembling a #bookcrew) by clicking here:…/2019/06/04/ALL-HANDS-ON-DECK

#harborbound #lucylovessherman #llsb #rys