Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Big BIG News!!

As announced in yesterday's PW Children's Bookshelf: 

Nicole Frail at Sky Pony Press has acquired world rights to Hypnosis Harry by Catherine Bailey, a picture book about a boy whose parents say no to everything. But when he gains the power to hypnotize them he begins to question if he really wants his every wish granted. It's scheduled for winter 2016; Kathleen Rushall of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency negotiated the deal. 

So there it is people. I sold a second book. Can I get a whoot-whoot? 

You bet I can. WHOOT-WHOOT! Also I'm going to need more graphics. 

Okay got a little off track there... Whatever. Book contract!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Well, Isn't That Nice!


The lovely folks at The Children's Book Academy have put together an updated list of publishers accepting unsolicited submissions. This is how I started - I was unagented and pulled from the slush. Now of course I work with the greatest agent EVER, but still, it's a good list to share.

Happy subbing!